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Thank you for visiting Long Island Placenta Services. We offer a variety of services that are customized for the new mother's unique needs. Through Long Island Placenta Services (LIPS), the experienced specialists will prepare the placenta for consumption, while the mother rests and recuperates from the work of birth. For other pre- and post-birth services, visit us at The Birth Guardians, or follow the specific links above.
Your body has created a beautiful new life and an incredible organ. The amazing placenta grows when needed and is released from the body when its job is through. It provides all that your baby needs to grow and flourish inside the uterus. This organ will continue to heal, and assist you well after you've birthed your baby.
Studies show that the placenta is extremely nutrient rich, high in iron, protein, vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6 and of course, mother’s own natural hormones, making it perfectly suited for each individual.*
Experts agree that ingesting the placenta slowly reintroduces the hormones into the mother’s system and may ease hormonal fluctuations.*
Your baby's placenta is believed to:
· contain your own natural hormones
· be perfectly made for you
· balance your system
· replenish depleted iron
· give you more energy
· lessen bleeding postnatally
· been shown to increase milk production
· help you have a happier postpartum period
· return of uterus to pre-pregnancy state
· be helpful during menopause
· shorten healing time*
Long Island Placenta Services offers several methods of preparation; Encapsulation, Tinctures and Raw Cubes (for smoothies). We also offer Placenta Prints and Cord Keepsakes.
For more information about these methods-including pricing- please click here or on the Preparation Methods link above.
Your baby's placenta will be treated with honor and respect during the preparation process. We provide the highest standards of safety and service. Long Island Placenta Services conform to guidelines for food preparation and safety protocols.
In addition to placenta encapsulation, we are pleased to provide our clients with a host of specialized services including Labor and Postpartum Doula Support and Lactation Support.
If you have an interest in using our services, please click here to complete the Intake Form. One of our Specialists will get back to you within 24 hours.
Please feel free to contact us at anytime throughout your pregnancy.
We look forward to supporting you in your journey.
*Beacock, Michelle "Does eating placenta offer postpartum health benefits?" British Journal of Midwifery July 2012, Vol 20, No 7 pg 466
*Blank MS, Friesen HG. "Effects of placentophagy on serum prolactin and progesterone concentrations in rats after parturition or superovulation." Journal of Reproductive Fertility. 1980 Nov;60(2):273-8
*Enning, Patricia. Placenta :The Gift of Life. Mother Baby Press, 2007
*Kristal, Mark B "Placentophagia: A Biobehavioral Enigma" Neuroscience & Biohehavioral Reviews, Vol. 4, pp. 141--150.